
"Enthusiasm and applicative motivations (hypes and hopes) prevailed at times over caution and rigor, with some unfortunate pitfalls" (Bianco et al, Nature Medicine, Vol 19, 35ff, 2013).
The lack of a profound understanding of stem cell biology and mechanisms during regenerative processes is still limiting the development and implementation of successful stem cell therapies. Hence, the Focus of the SCRM Platform (founded in November 2012) is to foster a new and innovative multidisciplinary approach to unravel the communication network of stem cells within the tissue and throughout the body during tissue regeneration.
Members of the Faculty of MedicineVetsuisse Faculty and Faculty of Science from the University of Bern have established the University-wide SCRM Platform to allow new ideas and skills to flow seamlessly through the member groups. A centralized database, common meetings, workshops, and international conferences in addition to educational tracks for bachelor, master and PhD students are scheduled to sustainably implement the assignment of the Platform.

Ultimately, our Mission is to efficiently and rapidly transfer basic research findings into clinical applications with a specific focus on cell therapy.


Degenerated cones in cultured human retina