About us

Mission Statement

The SCRM platform supports innovative and high-quality research at the University of Bern and Inselspital, University Hospital Bern.

The SCRM Platform connects and supports Bernese scientists with activities in stem cell research and regenerative medicine with the goal of fostering innovation through the support of

  1. Seminal ideas
  2. Young researchers (PhD Retreat, Stem Cell Lunch Seminar; PhD Curriculum in stem cells and regenerative medicine)
  3. Exchanges between established Bernese research groups in stem cell research and Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cell Lunch Seminar; Home page)
  4. National and international networking

Members of the Medical Faculty, Phil. Nat Faculty and Vetsuisse from the University of Bern and the Inselspital, University Hospital of Bern established the University-wide Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine (SCRM) Platform in November 2012, with the aim that new ideas and skills can flow seamlessly through the member groups.